
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Organizing the Sock Drawer

So little by little I've been trying to organize my home. Today's task was to organize my sock drawer. I already had some little baskets from Dollar Tree, and I decided to use those to seperate all of my socks.

The top left basket has all of my white socks and purple socks. The basket on the right has all of my ankle socks. The middle basket has all of the socks that are bigger than ankle socks.

In the bottom right are all of my fuzzy warm socks. To the bottom left are all of my tights.

I think I'm going to go back to the store so I can get some in different colors to use. It's hard to see the black and white baskets, especially since I mostly put black socks in them. If I see something slim enough for my tights, I may pick that up as well.

2012 Resolutions

I have decided that there is a huge hole in my life, and that hole needs to be filled with the word of God. I've been trying to read the Bible in a year for years now. The farthest I've gotten in 1st Chronicles, and that was in the month of November. I have no way to track my new year's resolutions until now.

So here they are, and what I've done this week:

  • Learn at least 15 Japanese words per week – Reviewed numbers to 100.
  • Learn at least 10 kanji per week. – Nothing yet.
  • Lose 2 pounds per month until my goal weight of 120 (I’m started at around 136) –I am now approximately 134.5 pounds.
  • Read the Bible – I skipped Leviticus and Numbers. I’m currently somewhere in Deuteronomy.
  • Eat 3 veggies a week – Monday I had a side salad with my lunch. Yesterday I had peas. One more serving of veggies, and I'm good. I might have to up this to four servings a week.
  • Eat 3 fruit a week – on Sunday I had a handful of grapes. Yesterday I had a strawberry and banana yogurt. Along with the veggies, I might have to upgrade this to four times a week.

You may ask, why only three servings a week? Well, I'm trying to weed out the bad food in my life, like chocolate, doughnuts, cookies, and other assorted junk food. I keep seeing "trigger foods" all over the internet. What I understand of it so far is that trigger foods are the things that make you falter in your diet. For example, my husband and I go every night to his grandmother's for dinner (we live near her, and she cooks a lot of food). She has leftover Hershey's Kisses from Christmas. So every night I would eat one... and that one would turn into twelve. I keep stumbling on my reasonable portions and overeating on the chocolate right after having a huge meal that I know has a lot of fat in it already. Right now one of my biggest trigger foods is King Cake. It's readily available in my Sunday School class every week it seems. And it also stares at me as I go into the local supermarkets. King Cakes are very popular where I live (Louisiana). And the only come out during Carnival season, and it's Carnival right now. Therefore, I have decided to abstain from king cake, chocolate, doughnuts, cookies, and candy. I'm treating this time of year like it's Lent, because all of those foods that I listed leave me starving and wanting more. And I don't want to do that with junk food that pollutes me. I only want to do that with healthy food.

That being said, I hate most healthy food. That's why I'm slowly working it in. Last week I had a craving for Pringles. Instead of buying a huge can of them, I went to another store and bought pre-packaged serving sizes of salted nuts. And those satiated me. I was craving the salt, and once I started eating the nuts I quickly became satisfied, and my hunger pains stopped. Now I realize that salted nuts aren't the healthiest thing in the world, but they're better than chips. All I have to do is slowly work my way to healthier foods.